As an IT solutions provider, must put a privacy policy in place to tell customers about the collection, usage, and security of their data.
Greetings from Hexatech. We hope our Privacy Policy will help our users understand how we gather, use, and protect the individual's data. By using our products and services, customers accept the terms stated in this policy.
The information we collect may consist of:
For this purpose, we use your info including the following details;
To protect your personal information from any unauthorized access, we take related industry-standard measures for the security of your information.
In order, to fulfill some requirements such as payment methods or customer service, we may share your information with a third party.
To improve your experiences and guide you on how to use our services, we may use cookies and similar technologies.
If we believe that such action is necessary to comply with the law and the reasonable requests of law implementation or to protect the security or integrity of our services, we will disclose your information where required to do so by law.
Your data is accessible for viewing, editing, or deletion. Additionally, you have the choice to refuse to receive marketing communications or other types of data processing.
Any changes made in our Privacy Policy from time to time will be forwarded to our website directly or by any other appropriate means. .
If you have any queries about this Privacy Policy, contact us at